Thursday, December 3, 2009

Introduction: Who's Listening Anyways?

I chose to include my post entitled “Vampires,” from the Traditions Discussion Board #2, to highlight my ability to stimulate conversation on a particular subject matter. As I stated earlier, I truly enjoyed the discussion boards we were able to participate in. Online classes are a great option for students who are unable to physically attend college classes on campus, but the interaction between students is limited. Discussion boards provided a safe place for us to discuss and develop our opinions. In some ways the discussion boards created a better environment for further discussion of the material than a face-to-face discussion in a classroom could provide, for two main reasons:

1. We were forced to write out our thoughts and opinions on a subject, and then back those opinions up with specific quotes from the essays we read. This was done without the fear of being interrupted or judged, so even a shy individual felt safe responding to and sharing opinions.

2. Then, we each had to read the complete thoughts and opinions of fellow classmates before we were able to respond. Meaning…no interruptions! This was a great tool for me since I tend to dominate discussions. You have to watch out for us noisy folks, we like to interrupt!

The prompt for our second Discussion Board in the Traditions Unit was to affirm or challenge an assumption about pop culture.

I chose to write about how pop culture reflects the most current trends and interests of our society, and in so doing, decided to write about one of the biggest trends in our culture today, vampires. Vampires today are hot, and they are stirring up quite the commotion, so it did not surprise me that many of my fellow students could not help but to respond to my post on these fascinating creatures.

The conclusion: we all love vampires!

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